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Start A Microgreens Business From Scratch

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    Lesson 1: Introduction
  2. Lesson 2: Housekeeping
  3. Lesson 3: Equipment You’ll Need
  4. Lesson 4: Tips For Success
  5. SECTION 1: Business Plan Builder
    Lesson 1: Introduction
  6. Lesson 2: Understanding The Business Model
  7. Lesson 3: Understanding The Products
  8. Lesson 4: Understanding “The 3 Foundations”
  9. Lesson 5: Market Research Using Instagram
  10. Lesson 6: Market Research Using Google
  11. Lesson 7: How To Develop Your Competitive Edge
  12. Lesson 8: How To Project Your Profit
  13. SECTION 2: Set Up Your In-Home Farm
    Lesson 1: Introduction
  14. Lesson 2: Where To Set Up Your Grow Area
  15. Lesson 3: How To Set Up Your Rack
  16. Lesson 4: How To Set Up Your Lights
  17. Lesson 5: How To Set Up Your Misc. Equipment
  18. Lesson 6: How To Stay Fully Stocked Despite Supply Shortages
  19. SECTION 3: Growing 101
    Lesson 1: Introduction
  20. Lesson 2: The 4 Easiest & Most Profitable Crops
  21. Lesson 3: “The 10-Day Growth Cycle”
  22. Lesson 4: Soaking Seed
  23. Lesson 5: The Importance of Temperature & Humidity
  24. Lesson 6: The Basics of Watering
  25. Lesson 7: How To Harvest Your Crops
  26. Lesson 8: How To Create A Winning Product
  27. Lesson 9: Mastering Sunflower
  28. Lesson 10: The Secret To Improving The Yield of Any Microgreen
  29. BONUS: Watering Crash Course
    Lesson 1: Introduction
  30. Lesson 2: How To Top Water
  31. Lesson 3: How To Bottom Water
  32. Lesson 4: Preventing Overwatering
  33. Lesson 5: Preventing Underwatering
  34. SECTION 4: Practice Makes Perfect
    Lesson 1: Introduction
  35. Lesson 2: Plug n’ Play Software That Makes Growing Easy
  36. Lesson 3: Practice Order
  37. Lesson 4: Prepare Your Trays
  38. Lesson 5: Add Seed To Your Trays
  39. Lesson 6: Water Your Trays
  40. Lesson 7: Stack Your Trays
  41. Lesson 8: What To Look For Each Day of The “10-Day Growth Cycle”
  42. Lesson 9: Mist Your Trays Once Per Day
  43. Lesson 10: Put Your Trays Under The Lights
  44. Lesson 11: Bottom Water Your Trays
  45. Lesson 12: Harvest Your Crops
  46. Lesson 13: Weigh Your Product
  47. Lesson 14: Packaging Tips
  48. Lesson 15: Track Your Results In FarmWare
  49. Lesson 16: What To Do With Leftover Product
  50. Lesson 17: The Importance of Disinfecting Your Trays
  51. SECTION 5: Marketing
    Lesson 1: Introduction
  52. Lesson 1.1: Introduction to Marketing Tutorials (Virtual Farmers Market)
  53. Lesson 2: Marketing Basics 101
  54. Lesson 3: Choose Business Name
  55. Lesson 4: How To Use Canva
  56. Lesson 5: Logo Design (Canva Or Outsource)
  57. Lesson 6: Introduction To MicroFarmSites (Quick Tour)
  58. Lesson 7: Updating Your Business Information
  59. Lesson 8: Updating Your Personal Information
  60. Lesson 9: Company Billing Overview
  61. Lesson 10: Register domain
  62. Lesson 11: Connect Domain
  63. Lesson 12: Connect Stripe With MFS
  64. Lesson 13: Adding Your Products Into Micro Farm Sites
  65. Lesson 14: Editing Your Website Template
  66. Lesson 15: Your Website Customer Form
  67. Lesson 16: Edit Thank You Page Template
  68. Lesson 17: Updating Stripe Website Information TO New URL
  69. Lesson 18: Set Up Privacy Policy And Terms & Conditions
  70. Lesson 19: Update Links To Privacy Policy And T&C's
  71. Lesson 20: Update Form Submission Page URL
  72. Lesson 21: Add A Phone Number To Micro Farm Sites Account
  73. Lesson 22: Adding Your Phone Number To Your Website Pages
  74. Lesson 23: US Phone Number Verification
  75. Lesson 24: Set Up Email + Text Automations For Your Form
  76. Lesson 25: Reviewing Your Company Billing Transactions
  77. Lesson 26: Find All Your Form Submissions
  78. Lesson 27: Setting Up A Test Invoice
  79. Lesson 28: Sending An One Off Invoice To Your Customer
  80. Lesson 29: Creating A Recurring Subscription Invoice For Your Customer
  81. Lesson 30: Confirming Delivery Date With Customer After Payment
  82. Lesson 31: How To Process Refunds In Stripe
  83. Lesson 32: How To Auto Collect Payments From Your Website
  84. Lesson 33 MicroFarmSites Wrap Up
  85. Lesson 34: Set Up A Facebook Profile
  86. Lesson 35: Set Up Facebook Page
  87. Lesson 36: Publish Facebook profile post
  88. Lesson 37: Publish Facebook Page Post
  89. Lesson 38 Integrating Your Facebook Page With MicroFarm Sites
  90. Lesson 39: Using Local Facebook Groups To Get Customers
  91. Lesson 40 Setting Up Your Facebook Ad Account
  92. Lesson 41: Boost Facebook page post
  93. Lesson 42: Introduction To Facebook Ads
  94. Lesson 43: The Facebook Ads Dashboard
  95. Lesson 44 Different Facebook Ad Campaigns
  96. Lesson 45 Setting Up Your First Traffic Facebook Ad Campaign
  97. Lesson 46: Setting Up Messages Facebook Ad Campaigns
  98. Lesson 47: Setting Up A Lead Generation Micro Variety Pack Campaign
  99. Lesson 48: Download Your Lead Generation Leads From Facebook
  100. Lesson 49: Adding Your Lead Ad Leads Into Micro Farm Sites
    Lesson 1: Add Testimonials To Website Page
  102. Lesson 2: Update Favicon
  103. Lesson 3: Introduction To Advanced Facebook Ads
  104. Lesson 4: Traffic Campaign With Multiple Targeting Options
  105. Lesson 5: Setup & Install Your Pixel
  106. Lesson 6: Setting Up Custom Conversions
  107. Lesson 7: Setting Up A Facebook Conversions Campaign
  108. Lesson 8: Setting Up Reporting Columns
  109. Marketing - Bonus Training
    Marketing Bonus Lesson 1
  110. SECTION 6: Grow To Order
    Lesson 1: Introduction
  111. Lesson 2: Using FarmWare To Fulfill Your Order
  112. Lesson 3: How To Make A Professional-Looking Label
  113. Lesson 4: How To Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value
  114. SECTION 7: Simple Delivery
    Lesson 1: Introduction
  115. Lesson 2: Strategizing Your Deliver Routes
  116. Lesson 3: How To Store Your Product During Deliveries
  117. Lesson 4: The Best Time To Deliver
  118. Lesson 5: How To Communicate With Your Customers
  119. Lesson 6: What To Do If Someone Requests A Refund
  120. SECTION 8: Optimize Your Farm
    Lesson 1: Introduction
  121. Lesson 2: Identifying The Weakest Link
  122. Lesson 3: How To Save Time
  123. Lesson 4: How To Cut Costs
  124. Lesson 5: How To Leverage Surveys
  125. Conclusion
    Lesson 1: Congratulations
  126. Lesson 2: What’s Next?

Before you start this lesson make sure to click here and download the Business Plan Worksheet that Jonah will show you how to fill out over the next 2 lessons.

Video Transcription:

In this lesson, I’m going to show you one of my two favorite methods of conducting quick market research. By the end of these next couple lessons, you’ll be able to identify the two most important factors in your local market: who’s buying and who’s selling? Let’s jump into my computer and I’ll show you how. 

In this section, we’re going to do market research using Instagram to fill out our business plan. But before we start doing that, we want to fill out the basic information on our business plan. So, we’re going to start with our name, our business name. So, if you don’t have your business name and website yet, that’s totally okay. You can fill this out as you go along through the marketing section of the course. Business name, I’ll put in my farm name and our website and our city is Toronto. 

Now, the crops we’re going to grow are going to be pea shoots, sunflower shoots, radish and broccoli. Now, the products we’re going to grow are pea shoots, sunflower shoots, crunchy micromix and broccoli. And the service we’re providing is a direct to the consumer microgreens model. So, we’re selling direct to the consumer and that’s the model and service that we’re offering is the delivery direct to the consumer and the prices are going to range somewhere between $5 to $7. So, we’ll leave it like that for now and we can always adjust this as we go along with the research. So, on the rest of the pages you have here, this is where you’re going to find your competitors and can jot down their information here and this will help you kind of compilate what price you should sell your product at, what products your competitors are selling and to keep an eye on your competition as you go along in your microgreens journey. 

So, we’re going to start by using Instagram to find some competitors. So, what I suggest searching is microgreens and then your city, town, province or state or country but the closer you are to where you actually are, the better your market research will be. If you do the search and you don’t find your city or town, look for the city or town beside you and the ones surrounding you and you will find the answers that you’re looking for. So, we’re going to search Microgreens Toronto. So, #microgreenstoronto and we’re going to see what’s coming up here. So, you can see there’s quite a few posts here and your city may not have as many. Toronto is a big city and that’s totally fine, but we’ll start doing some research here. We can see this one. This is actually a local store that’s close to me, that’s why I clicked on it. So, I can see these. This company seems to be selling their products. So, if we click on here, it’ll open up their page. We just do a quick scroll. We can see the date is quite recently so it’s April 20th here right now and it’s April 2nd. So, this is a new post. So, we know this company is still operating. We can see their products look good. So, I’m going to click on–well, actually before I do that. I’m going to start putting down the information. So, their name is Greenarium. Their website is, and their handle is also greenarium.can. So, that’s easy. 

Now, we’re going to go on their website and see what products they have and what their listing looks like, if they’re selling direct to consumer. Okay. So, perfect. So, this company is selling direct to consumer. They sell broccoli, sunflower, pea, red cabbage, kale. They sell quite a few products. So, we’re going to put–the first thing we see is the price so we can see the price is $5. So, their price across the board is $5. The products they sell. So, what we really care most about is what products they’re selling that we sell because that’s the direct competition. So, they’re selling broccoli, sunflower, pea and they do not have a crunchy mix. So, that’s why I recommend the crunchy mix because it creates a good competitive advantage. So, we’re just going to mark down the products they sell: broccoli, sunflower and pea. 

And what I recommend with the notes here is to just search through and see what sizes they’re actually selling the product. So, let’s see if that works here. So, they’re selling–their sunflower is 85 grams, their pea is 71 grams and their broccoli if this picture will load 57 grams. 57 grams, and what we’re actually going to do here in our products is we’re going to put pea shoots. We’re going to sell at 100 grams. We’re selling sunflower at 100 grams. What is going on here? We’re selling a crunchy mix at 75 grams and our broccoli at 60 grams. So, as you can see comparing this company, they’re selling it for $5. The broccoli is on par, it’s 60 grams. Their pea shoot and sunflower is less. So, we’re potentially providing more product, so that’s something to keep in mind. So, we’re going to make a note there. Our product is larger unit sizes than this competitor. And then some other notes I marked down is delivery is free over $25. So, that’s important to know what their delivery policy is. So, five boxes is $5. So, 5X5 is 25 and they do weekly orders, it looks like. Yeah. So, that’s pretty much how you want to fill up. So, you want to go through Instagram and find other competitors and do the same thing. So, you want to see who else is growing in your area. So, you can go to these other, that’s also the same company. But here, this, you want to go there, see what they’re selling and kind of repeat the process. The more information you can gather here, the better able you are to create a product at the right price and you can account for the delivery fees and all that kind of stuff that other competitors are doing. 

So, this is a great, great way to do market research. The first way is with Instagram. So, now we see that it still fits within our range of $5 to $7 with that first competitor and as we continue to do this, we might refine our price range based on the competition. But that’s how you do market research with Instagram. And next, we’re going to move on to doing Google search.