365 Documentary

7 videos

Urban Farming Marketing Series

13 videos
3 videos

Green City Acres: The Story

15 videos

Week By Week Urban Farming Series With Curtis Stone

137 videos

Urban Farming VLOG Series With Curtis Stone

30 videos

30 Day Urban Farming Series With Curtis Stone

27 videos

Resilience Series With Nicole Knegt

16 videos

Rain Water Collection Series With Rob Avis

10 videos

Greenhouse Essentials Series With Andrew Mans

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Price range

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$0K  USD$100K  USD

Property type

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*NOTE: Basic infrastructure can include one or more of the following: road access, power, well, septic, outbuildings, and/or land cleared. It does not include a house.

Homesteads – General – Property Type

Number of acres

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0  acres100  acres



Growing days

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Köppen-Geiger Classification

Property Features

Water source

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Homesteads – Property Features – Water Source

Type of power

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Homesteads – Property Features – Type of Power

Amount of farmable land

Amount of forest


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Homesteads – Property Features – Outbuildings
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